All Meat articles – Page 210

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    Full steam ahead


    n Sainsbury thinks flash pasteurisation could revolutionise food safety. Others think it may be a case of overkill, says Julian Hunt For US shoppers, flash pasteurisation is nothing new. Almost two-thirds of the fresh beef they buy in supermarkets...

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    Scotch Premier's margins suddenly widened in September


    Profit bounce for ANM Proof of a surge in consumer demand for beef since last summer comes from major Scottish slaughterer, processor and live cattle auctioneer ANM Group, which will shortly disclose details of a spectacular recovery in profit...

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    Dramatic restructuring under way in the States


    Supply is set to remain strong Pork supply prospects appear increasingly to favour buyers, the latest evidence being livestock census…

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    French picking and choosing' which laws to obey


    The French ban on British beef is a dreadful example to set for those countries aspiring to join the EU, says agriculture minister Nick Brown. Blasting Paris, Brown said: "Any country that tries to pick and choose which laws to obey will forfeit...

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    Danish patience running out over British attacks


    Julian Hunt British pig farmers have been told to end their “unfair” attacks on the integrity of Danish meat or face a massive counterattack…

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    We'll all lose if this goes on


    Bacon has always sparked passion across grocery, so why should a new century be any different? It was no surprise, therefore, when UK pigmeat producers' grievances with foreign rivals hit centre stage again this week ­ although this time the heat...