Morrisons - Latest News and Analysis – Page 121

  • News

    Weaker suppliers in firing line


    Anne Bruce The sale of Safeway will produce a "killing ground" of weak brand and private label suppliers who face crippling reductions in margins and the possibility of losing their entire business, former Somerfield chief executive David Simons...

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    Safeway extracting the last penny


    from Safeway supplier, name and address supplied Sir; Safeway is certainly a focused business now ­ focused on threatening its suppliers to bolster its short-term cash and profits. Having supplied Safeway for many years, we have got used to...

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    Share needs defining


    The Competition Commission will be torn between consumer and manufacturer best interests if the Safeway sale is referred to it by the OFT, according to seminar speakers. An Asda/ Wal-Mart takeover would benefit consumers by bringing prices down...

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    A case of low expectations


    Safeway investors should expect cash bids of no more than 280p a share if, as expected, the major trade buyers are referred and the tussle ends up between the leverage bidders and Morrisons. CAI Cheuvreux food analyst Mike Dennis said Morrisons...

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    The Saturday Essay - Jerry Marwood


    I was interviewed last week by a journalist trying to get my thoughts on the current flurry of bid and counter-bid for Safeway. Buried among her questions were a couple about the fact that the Co-operative Group had started to claim it was the...

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    Poundland winning supplier confidence'


    Drinks, snacks, confectionery and household goods suppliers are starting to sit up and take notice of Poundland as sales approach the £200m mark, its bosses have claimed. Poundland chairman and former Safeway chief executive Colin Smith said the...

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    Bidding frenzy turns to a PR campaign


    Elaine Watson Tesco and Morrisons have launched a charm offensive to persuade shareholders, suppliers and consumer groups they are the best bet for Safeway. The bidding frenzy surrounding the chain has fallen into a lull as potential...

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    Asda rides a volatile week


    Asda has knocked Morrisons off the top spot in a week when the retailer chart has proved to be a bumpy ride, with only one remaining in the same position as last week. Morrisons drops to second position and competition is close, with the top...

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    Staring into the abyss


    While Safeway shareholders face weeks of uncertainty as the bidding war for the chain intensifies, spare a thought for its 92,000-plus staff who must endure a worrying period of job insecurity while the battle rages. Similarly, employees at...

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    Staring into the abyss


    Steve Hemsley considers the job prospects for the 1,000 grocery managers who face redundancy as a result of the three big deals While Safeway shareholders face weeks of uncertainty as the bidding war for the chain intensifies, spare a thought...

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    Confused? Don’t be ...


    Keeping on top of the latest developments in the Safeway auction frenzy is not easy – neither is getting a handle on the possible implications for the grocery market.But help is at hand. The Grocer has teamed up with a host of industry...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    The Sunday Telegraph reported that it had obtained details of the OFT’s unexpected view that the boundaries may need to be redrawn for assessing if any Safeway stores should be sold to Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury or Tesco.The paper said...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    Safeway’s trading statement tomrrow could prompt a formal bid from the retail entrepreneur Philip Green, The Independent said.But added that figures might have suffered while the five-way bid battle for the chain’s 480 stores rages on, with...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    Wal-Mart has approached several of Safeway’s large shareholders in an attempt to buy a stake in the supermarket group ahead of the Department of Trade and Industry ruling on bidders for the chain.According to the Sunday and Daily Telegraph...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    The Daily Telegraph reported that Safeway shares plunged 28.75p to 265.25p after Philip Green, the BHS and Arcadia owner, was the only suitor cleared to launch a takeover bid for Safeway.The paper said the City fears that Green, who prides...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    Retailers and consumer pressure groups all submitted formal submissions to the Office of Fair Trading on Friday, reported The Business. The Consumers’ Association threw its support behind Morrisons, arguing that a “fourth aggressive player in...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    A letter to The Grocer which accuses Safeway of threatening to axe its suppliers unless they make upfront payments to the retailer has been flagged up by The Daily Telegraph.The comments emerged as the Office of Fair Trading is considering bids...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway


    Philip Green's planned £3bn offer for Safeway is understood to face referral to the Competition Commission, according to the Observer. Lawyers at top City law firms told the paper that five out of the six bidders would probably be referred after a...

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    Safeway pledge to own label expansion


    Simon Mowbray Development of Safeway's own label offering will continue despite the supermarket chain's uncertain future. The company said its insistence that it was "business as usual" applied to all areas of its operations and "most...

  • News

    The essential Safeway event


    Keeping on top of the latest developments in the Safeway auction frenzy is not easy ­ neither is getting a handle on the possible implications for the grocery market. But help is at hand. The Grocer has teamed up with industry experts to run a...