Morrisons - Latest News and Analysis – Page 122

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    Cashing in on delivery


    As independentschange, what fate awaits cash and carries? By Elaine Watson Warnings of doom for the independent retailer have been coming in almost as fast as bids for Safeway since Tesco announced plans to get into neighbourhood retailing....

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    Brands are on the move


    The retailer chart remains relatively stable in terms of positioning this week with only Sainsbury and Safeway on the move. Sainsbury shifts up one place to number four, pushing Safeway down to number five. Morrisons remains in the number one...

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    When Safeway boss Carlos Criado-Perez unveiled his Gonzalez


    New research from market research group Taylor Nelson Sofres Superpanel, revealed here for the first time, shows just how big a role these Temporary Price Reductions (as TNS dubs them) now play in Safeway's sales profile. The data relates to total...

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    The Safeway takeover is already a spectator sport, a classic


    This is real politics, with MPs stirring. After decades of backing the Conservatives, boards must be happy that they became born-again New Labour just in time. This is not about favours being called in, but contacts and PR. There are four key...

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    Confused? Don't be ...


    Keeping on top of the latest developments in the Safeway auction frenzy is not easy – neither is getting a handle on the possible implications for the grocery market.But help is at hand. The Grocer has teamed up with a host of industry...

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    Press round-up ... Safeway auction


    Morrisons' £2.4bn bid for Safeway received a boost yesterday when the company issued a bullish trading statement ahead of its offer document posted today.In the four weeks to 26 January like-for-like sales were up 5.2% on last year compared with...

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    Safeway’s commercial boss departs for M&S


    Safeway’s commercial director Ian Mumby has left to become head of IT and supply chain for Marks and Spencer’s food division. Mumby has worked for Safeway for six years. His other positions included director of supply strategy and director...

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    Game of consequences


    Sainsbury knows this is the last chance saloon. Asda is desperate not to let Safeway slip through its fingers, while Tesco can’t afford to let either of them get their hands on it. Sir Ken Morrison, meanwhile, looks set to laugh all the way to the...

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    Game of consequences


    How will the smaller players be hit by the fallout from the battle for Safeway asks Elaine Watson Sainsbury knows this is the last chance saloon. Asda is desperate not to let Safeway slip through its fingers, while Tesco can't afford to let...

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    Leahy: bid not a spoiling tactic


    Siân Harrington Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy was this week adamant his prospective bid for Safeway was a serious offer and not a spoiling tactic. Leahy told The Grocer he understood the market's incredulity at the news Tesco had filed a...

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    If you don't like it, you'd better shout


    We have said all along that the country's biggest retailer would not stand idly by while its two main rivals fought for Safeway in what is now recognised as being the last big deal in British grocery. Like every commentator, we assumed Tesco would...

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    First it was Morrisons, then Sainsbury's and now we have Asd


    For many commentators, this move was an inevitable extension of a well-documented trend. Consolidation, improvements in supply chain efficiencies and impressive advances in retailing have given rise to power shifting down the food chain. We now...

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    Confused? Don’t be...


    The Grocer is organising a seminar to help everybody in the trade get to grips with the wider implications of the increasingly complex Safeway auction process. Speakers confirmed so far include former Somerfield boss and Littlewoods chairman...

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    Safeway tells shareholders to hang on


    Safeway has withdrawn its recommendation of Morrisons all-share offer for its supermarkets and advised shareholders “to await developments”.Morrisons agreed to buy Safeway on January 9 which valued its rival at £2.9bn. Morrisons stocks have...

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    Tesco to tussle for Safeway


    Tesco has entered the battle for control of supermarket chain Safeway and said it is making a submission to the Office of Fair Trading in relation to a possible bid.Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy said: “We have always understood that competition...

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    Why Sainsbury wants Safeway


    If Christmas trading figures from the big five are anything to go by, it is no wonder Sainsbury is so desperate to pick up Safeway. Its 2.8% rise in like-for-like sales, including petrol, came in as the lowest of the major multiples with even...

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    The outlook at the OFT


    The T&S deal got the go-ahead from the OFT after it ruled that convenience stores were a separate market to supermarkets (a reason why some industry watchers believe Tesco could consider swooping on smaller Safeway stores). But the OFT will not...

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    Meanwhile, at Tesco...


    If you switched on the news any night this week, the chances were you caught Sir Peter, Sir Ken or Mr DeNunzio explaining why hoisting their respective fascias over Safeway's front door offered consumers the best deal. The only supermarket boss...

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    The suppliers' favourite


    Siân Harrington Morrisons is the overwhelming first choice of suppliers in the battle to win control of Safeway. Brand manufacturers and own label suppliers contacted by The Grocer expressed deep concerns about the power of Sainsbury and...

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    Who will get the break?


    Suppliers are gunning for Morrisons. Consumer opinion is mixed. As for shareholders, a cash-based killer offer from Wal-Mart would be hard to turn down, but can they afford to gamble? With speculation as to who will buy Safeway changing daily, it is...