The average number of dog food products is 140 per store across the six major retailers. Alongside this wide choice, Stockwatch also found good levels of availability for non-promotional lines, with only 7% at risk of being out of stock during peak hours.
The number of SKUs on promotion varied between 2% and 11% - below the average for other categories - and 18% of promotional products were low or out of stock during peak shopping periods.
Although Asda offers the widest range of products in this category, we found that only 2% were promotionally priced. In terms of availability, 7% of promoted lines and 6% of non-promoted lines were at risk of being out of stock: this indicates either good replenishment or adequate stock holdings on-shelf.
As might be expected, Somerfield has a smaller range of products than its competitors. It had 8% on promotion, of which 23% were at risk - well above the sector average. And availability of normal lines is also worse than the average, with 15% at risk during peak times.
Of Sainsbury’s 120 SKUs in the category, 7% were on promotion. Normal lines were well-stocked, with only 3% at risk, but 16% of promotional lines were likely to be at risk.
Tesco has the second-largest range of SKUs, and it has promotions running on 6% of these. While just 5% of non-promoted lines were at risk, availability was at risk for 14% of promotional lines.
Morrisons offers shoppers more in terms of a large range (161 SKUs) but it offers less in terms of availability. We found 41% of promotional lines at risk of being out of stock, while for non-promoted lines, Morrisons’ 11% is also higher than the sector average of 7%.
Morrisons’ transitional Safeway stores fare better. They offer a smaller range than Morrisons but, despite having more lines on promotion (11%), availability was one of the best in the sector for promoted and non-promoted lines, at 8% and 4% respectively.
