Somerfield’s new c-store format for independent retailers in Scotland will be trialled in Aberdeen early next month.
One independent and one company-owned store will take on the Somerfield at Mace format, which is aimed at independent retailers wanting a stronger chilled offer without investing in the full Somerfield Essentials franchise package.
Financial director David Cheyne said that retailers had shown great interest in the scheme but the number of stores to be offered the format would not be confirmed until after the trial.
“There has been a lot of interest. It is about holding back that interest while we prove the trial.”
As well as Somerfield at Mace, Scottish independents will also be offered Somerfield Essentials or Mace packages, depending on the size and location of the store.
Cheyne said: “We are flexible at the moment about how many there will be.
“Through these formats we will provide independent retailers with access to the Somerfield fresh and chilled offer - our major differentiating point.”