After last week's out of stock débâcle, thankfully only two stores failed to provide full baskets this week. Tesco, Roborough, had no Home Fries or milk, while chicken and Jacob's Creek wine was missing from Somerfield, Alton. Our shopper at Asda, West Bridgford, brought home the cheapest basket with a till receipt of £37.38. But interestingly, item by item both Morrisons at Tynemouth and Oldham checked in identical amounts right down to the £1 off mature cheddar special. Other best buys included buy one get one free offers on bacon and pasta at Sainsbury, the latter deal also at Somerfield, and Asda's half price chocolate Homewheat. From a high of £1/454g four weeks ago, Jersey Royals have dropped as low as 39p in Tesco and 40p in Morrisons. For the third week running Safeway stocked the best apple buy, charging 29p/454g for Golden Delicious at Bishopbriggs. This week's shopping gripes includes our south east shopper being charged for free range eggs instead of ordinary. Sharp edges on several broken trolleys at Tesco were not appreciated by our south west shopper. {{GROCER 33 }}