Former Burts Chips’ UK MD Melvin Glynn - who recently left after a failed management buyout bid - has returned to the dairy industry to buy a Somerset-based flavoured cheese manufacturer.

Glynn, who was MD of Ilchester Cheese prior to spending a year at Burts, has acquired Windyridge Cheese in Wincanton for an undisclosed sum from owners Richard Harvey and Melanie Smith. The deal was negotiated by Oghma Partners.

Windyridge Cheese was launched in 2002 and specialises in producing handmade flavoured cheese for retail and wholesale customers. Glynn has assumed the MD role and hopes to emulate the growth achieved at Ilchester where he worked for over a decade, growing turnover from £6.5m to £32m.

“The previous owners had a desire to exit because they couldn’t afford the time to accelerate the business in the way they thought it was ready for,” said Glynn. “I had an idea to take Burts forward in a certain way and the shareholders didn’t agree. I’ve moved to purchase a company where I can do that and it’s a sector I know well.”

Glynn plans to focus on regional expansion in the short term through local artisan shops before considering more mainstream retail distribution channels.

Speculation about Burts’ ownership continues after the departure of Glynn in December. David Nairn, chairman for the past four and a half years, has stepped into the role for now.