Chris Wright, co-founder and commercial director of The Feel Good Drinks Company, on justice, banking and ginger nuts

What was your first job? My first job was as a postman while on summer holidays from university. This involved getting up early, working hard and finishing early, which was awesome. Before that I was a paper boy, which I guess was good training for being a postie.

Please summarise your career to date. I spent 10 years working for Coca-Cola in a variety of sales, trade marketing and operations management roles, as well as a couple of years in the entertainment industry at Warner Bros. It was during my time at Coca-Cola that my colleagues Dave Wallwork and Steve Cooper and I discussed our dream of setting up our own drinks company. Happily the dream became a reality and Feel Good Drinks was formed.

Has your career followed a logical path? At Feel Good Drinks we've tried to combine the professionalism of the big fmcg companies with the passion of an entrepreneurial start-up. Ten years at Coke and two years building new business for Warner Bros was the perfect background to that. It's almost as if it was planned that way.

If you didn't do what you do, what would you be doing? I've always loved working with great retailers, so a big, complex retail job would be fun.

What's your favourite movie? Twelve Angry Men. I love courtroom dramas, and the 'justice being done' theme really works for me.

What's the best decision you have made so far in your career and why? Definitely setting up Feel Good Drinks. The other career path I considered when I left university was banking. I would have been bored to death in a week and I'd probably not have any friends by now, either.

What's the most important thing you've ever been told? When setting up Feel Good Drinks our accountant gave us just one piece of advice "don't spend any money". It was great advice back in the early days.

What's the most rewarding part of your job? There's always a very special buzz when you win business there's nothing else quite like it. But I also enjoy coaching a fun and passionate team. It's really gratifying to have lots of people around you who all feel the same way you do.

What do you like doing when you are not working? I love tons of things like golf, running and live music but time with friends and family is the best. Relaxing on the sofa in front of a movie with a cup of tea and a packet of ginger nuts is pretty good, too.