What's your nickname? Lissle or Big Gee. 

Who was your first teenage crush and why? Heather Graham after I saw her in the film License To Drive. 

When was the first time you got drunk and what was your tipple? I was 14 and drank Diamond White. I threw up on the pitch the next day during my under-15 football match. 

What was the first music single you bought? I have no idea but my first gig was Michael Jackson. 

What did you want to be when you were a kid? An MP. 

What's your favourite book and why? The God Delusion because it's a better story than the Bible. 

What's your favourite movie and why? Control, but I would love any film about Joy Division. 

What was your worst holiday and why? When I was young my family had a timeshare in Malta and two years running I broke a bone. Plaster casts and sunshine is not a great mix. 

Do you have any phobias? A shark attack! It's a recurring dream from when I was little and watched Jaws. 

If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff who would it be? Liam Gallagher because he's the greatest wit of our time. 

Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane? Ringo Starr, the best living Beatle. 

What would you request as your final meal? A roast dinner. 

What's your favourite junk food? Coca-Cola in a cold can or glass bottle (a commendably impartial answer - Ed). 

What's your biggest regret? Two colleagues invited me to a festival at Hyde Park but I decided not to go. The next day, to my horror, they informed me they had got VIP passes and had watched the White Stripes from the side of the stage, sandwiched between Sienna Miller and Noel Gallagher! 

If you could star in a television programme what would it be? Question Time as the new David Dimbleby, so I could referee the little buggers - and invite some better guests. 

If you could be invisible for the day, what would you do? I wouldn't need to. I would sneak into one of our Red Bull Air Race planes for a spin.