Who was your first teenage crush and why? Debbie Harry. The Heart of Glass video made a big impact. 

When was the first time you got drunk and what did you drink? On a school trip to Germany. Suffice to say the beer is pretty potent over there. 

What was the first music single you bought? Small Faces - Itchycoo Park. 

What did you want to be when you were a kid? A football player for Exeter City. 

What's your favourite book and why? Private Eye annual every year. The cartoons and 'look-a-likes' are priceless. 

What's your favourite movie and why? Jerry Maguire.... "Show me the money!" 

What was your worst holiday and why? Almost getting caught in a hurricane in New Orleans was pretty hairy. 

What was the most embarrassing moment in your life? Leaning on a table during a sales presentation, which resulted in a tray of drinks spilling on the sales director's new computer. 

Do you have any phobias? Sushi. 

If you could pick a celebrity to join your staff who would it be and why? Julian Barratt from the Mighty Boosh. What a sense of humour. 

Who would you most like to sit next to on a plane? Anyone who doesn't take up too much room. 

What would you request as your final meal? Christmas dinner followed by apple pie and custard. 

What's your favourite junk food? Crisps - preferably cheese & onion. 

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten? Sushi. 

What's your favourite chat up line? Get your coat, you've pulled. 

What luxury would you have on your desert island? A luxury boat complete with crew. 

What's your biggest regret? Never having played football for Exeter City. 

If you could star in a television programme, what would it be and why? Match of the Day to tell all those armchair Premiership fans what real football is like. 

If you could be invisible for the day, what would you do? Haunt an ex-boss - a specific one.