Michael Boaler, brand manager at Finlandia Vodka, on missing out on being a vacuum cleaner salesman

What was your first-ever job? I briefly worked for my father's landscape gardening business but wasn't of much use and I knew it. I recently bumped into a guy who used to work for him, who said: "Hi Michael, are you still leaning on a shovel for your Dad?"

You've got 25 words to describe your career to date. It's been surprising. I've been lucky enough to have had some fantastic experiences, the likes of which I never discussed with my school career adviser.

How do you describe your job to your mates? They are envious that I work on such a contemporary brand and that I get to travel to Finnish Lapland to see the Midnight Sun. I also have to educate them on the fact that there's a lot more to marketing Finlandia vodka than simply drinking it.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Working on a developing brand like Finlandia is incredibly rewarding as you see the fruits of your labour over a shorter period of time and you can leave your own personal stamp on the brand as well play a role in the legacy of its growth. From experiences with previous spirit owners I have worked for, I found it harder to make an impact on a brand further along in its lifecycle.

What's your best interview tip? Always behave like a boy scout be prepared.

What was your worst job interview? After university I answered an ad in a local paper that read 'management training scheme'. I attended the first stage of interviews, which were hosted by a smartly dressed man who invited me back for stage two.

I was very excited and even borrowed my cousin's sports car to look more professional. It went no further than stage two after I learnt that the role was a door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesman. The car, alas, was returned to my cousin.

What is your motto in life? Be yourself.

What was the first music single you bought? 'Embarrassment' by Madness. I'm not sure why. It's a long way from their best song and there were many other songs that were more relevant to me at that time in my life.

What's your favourite movie and why? Life of Brian, because it's Monty Python and it pushed the boundaries. A very funny film!

Do you have any phobias? Rush-hour tube trains and rude people.

What's the weirdest thing you've eaten? Chocolate-covered ants.