chocolate clusters on production line

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McVitie’s has registered ‘Crispy Clouds’ as a trademarks with the IPO, covering chocolate biscuits and corn-based snack foods

McVitie’s looks set to continue its innovation push with a snacking product called Crispy Clouds.

Owner Pladis has applied to register ‘McVitie’s Crispy Clouds’ and a logo bearing ‘Crispy Clouds’ as trademarks with the Intellectual Property Office under classes 29 and 30, covering nut-based snack foods, almonds covered in chocolate, chocolate biscuits and corn-based snack foods.

McVitie’s could be planning to launch its own take on M&S’s private-label Crispy Clouds, which are milk chocolate clusters with caramel, sea salt, almond nougat and corn flake inclusions. However, the biscuit maker remained tight-lipped when approached for comment. 

“We don’t have anything further to share at this stage,” a spokeswoman told The Grocer.

“As with all companies, we occasionally trademark brand names as part of our planning process and this is sometimes speculative.”

The trademark activity comes after Britain’s top-selling biscuit brand threw its weight behind a major NPD push over summer.

McVitie’s added a limited-edition Cola spin-off for Jaffa Cakes and a Gold variant for Chocolate Digestives in July, both of which were launched to lure 18 to 35-year-olds to the category.

In the same month, it added Seriously Chocolatey Digestives, launched a chocolate version of Rich Tea biscuits, and added a trio of “indulgent” biscuits targeted at evening snacking occasions under a new sub-range called Signature.

Read more: Will McVitie’s NPD push win back shoppers from own label?

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