The Andrex puppy is unquestionably among the elite of animal advertising – alongside the PG Tips chimps, the Milka cow (did we ever find out why it was lilac?) and the sadly extinct Hofmeister bear, whose hatted head may now hang above the desk of an executive at Scottish & Newcastle.

Andrex, however, is clinging on to its cuter-than-cute mascot more tenaciously than a dog with a bone.

Its latest effort pits the lovable Labrador against imitation canines – mechanical, ornamental and balloon – around the strapline ‘There’s only one original’ (although the original puppy has long since snuff-, gone to live with a nice family in the country).

The ‘Be kind to Your Behind’ slogan is retained too.

Andrex says the ad was “an opportunity to hero” its mascot, using the vernacular of Olympic commentators who employ ‘medal’ as a verb as well as a noun.

While this advert’s creatives are unlikely to get pick up a gold medal for originality, it will surely play well with those who associate adorable critters with sitting on the loo – which, thanks to Andrex, is most of us.