Asda continues at the top of the fascia chart this week with a wide variety of multibuy offers and price promotions.
Sainsbury improves its position, moving up to number two and forcing Morrisons down by one place. Sainsbury also makes particular use of buy-one-get-one-free offers most commonly sited on gondola ends.
Cadbury climbs back up the brand chart to take the top spot with promotions appearing in multiple categories. While Nestlé remains at number two, Princes moves up six places to number three. Promotions on Princes are dominated by bogof offers. Walkers, Coca-Cola, Heinz and Kellogg's all slip down the chart.
There are three new entries, including Stella Artois, Schweppes and Homepride. Stella Artois focuses upon price promotions while Schweppes features multibuy offers.
The top two in the category chart remain the same as last week, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks at positions one and two respectively.
Culinary moves up two places to take number three while cakes and biscuits and frozen come in as new entries at numbers four and five. Both new entries rely heavily upon buy one get one free promotions and cakes and biscuits uses sitings on side stacks, off fixture displays and gondola ends to draw attention to the promotions.
In the own label category chart frozen maintains it's position at the top of the chart for another week.
Soft drinks moves up two places with multibuy offers on gondola ends and floor stacks.
Household drops by one place to number three while alcoholic drinks drops by two places to number five.