Top 15 brands advertised (by media) £k Dec '99 - Nov '00 Totals Press Cinema Radio Outdoor TV 95,456 2,859 3,485 1,464 3,812 83,835 1 Budweiser 13,400 587 181 293 813 11,526 2 Guinness 12,856 224 781 0 361 11,490 3 John Smith's 8,252 19 0 0 0 8,233 4 Foster's 7,511 7 0 198 1 7,305 5 Stella Artois 6,859 556 1,560 5 2 4,736 6 Boddingtons 6,023 681 0 0 0 5,342 7 Grolsch 5,927 10 963 13 0 4,940 8 Guinness Extra Cold 5,509 9 0 122 46 5,332 9 Kronenbourg 1664 5,068 11 0 10 0 5,046 10 Carling 4,890 15 0 0 0 4,875 11 Tetley 4,542 0.293 0 14 25 4,503 12 Heineken 4,528 17 0 213 1,929 2,369 13 Bud Light 4,387 681 0 19 634 3,053 14 Caffreys 2,879 33 0 287 0 2,559 15 Carlsberg Export 2,824 8 0 291 0 2,525 Top 10 advertisers £k Dec '99 - Nov '00 Dec '98 - Nov '99 Total 126,119 140,985 1 Scottish Courage 27,094 33,252 2 Interbrew UK 22,799 25,687 3 Guinness Brewing GB 21,469 20,307 4 Anheuser-Busch 18,669 12,309 5 Bass Brewers 17,415 17,932 6 Carlsberg Tetley 12,369 21,540 7 Guiness NI 1,712 237 8 Holsten (UK) 1,702 7,029 9 Wolverhampton & Dudley 1,650 1,799 10 Greene King 1,240 893 All beer / lager advertising (by media) £k Dec '99 - Nov '00 Dec '98 - Nov '99 Total 132,309 147,770 Press 8,268 11,460 Cinema 3,805 3,610 Radio 3,432 3,319 Outdoor 6,674 13,676 TV 110,129 115,705 Source for all tables and data: AC Nielsen MMS My favourite beer ad Liz Power communications manager for Britvic Budweiser's Wassup' series "These ads made people laugh and achieved the best reaction you could hope for ­ namely PR of their own. They established a storyline' that could be built on, embedded a catchphrase in popular culture, inspired spoof ads on the internet and made people feel good about drinking what is, after all, a ubiquitous product." {{P&P }}