Sir; I read the article in The Grocer (p10, Jan 22) on the Danish poultry company that believes it is being snubbed by British supermarkets. The chicken market is increasingly competitive, but it does seem a little desperate to attack our industry because "buyers do not believe our claims". I wonder if the company offers anything substantially different to the product many British manufacturers produce regularly and in greater amounts? Skouby's assertion that a third of British chickens sold contain salmonella seems to be based on a 1994 survey and is not the situation today. British chickens are reared under strict hygiene security, minimising the salmonella risk. Like Danpo, UK chicken producers maintain comprehensive sampling and testing on farms and processing plants. The UK has also banned meat and bonemeal from animal feed and is the only member state to publish hygiene scores for all poultry meat processing plants. Furthermore, growth hormones are not used in UK chicken production. Antibiotic growth promoters have been, or are being, withdrawn by all major UK chicken producers. Skouby is right with one statement, however ­ there is a strong buy British' sentiment and, as we lead in terms of deliverable quality and standards, why not? Peter Bradnock Chief executive British Poultry Meat Federation {{LETTERS }}
