Calling all suppliers: are you concerned that your trade promotional spending is out of control? Worried that you have no way of benchmarking your return on investment? Need to quantify how different retailers deliver when it comes to in-store activity?

The answers to these and other key questions could soon be at your fingertips, But only if you spare a few moments to take part in a unique survey The Grocer is conducting, in conjunction with Billetts Marketing Sciences.

This is the second time we have run the survey and it will again throw some much-needed light into an area of the marketing world where very little research has been conducted, meaning that there are few robust benchmarking tools available for managers.

The results of the survey, which should be of interest to everyone in the supplier community, will be revealed at a topical conference exploring all the issues around how suppliers can better manage their trade investment. The seminar is being organised by The Grocer and will be held in London on March 28

It takes only a matter of minutes to fill in a survey forms and all answers will be treated in the strictest confidence. To participate, you can complete a form online at Alternatively, you can call David Bridges at Billetts on 020 7321 4000.

If you want to find out more about our seminar, please call Ana Tomaz on 01293 867612.