Tom Workman, left, and Phil Ateyo, Caterfood

Bidcorp-owned buying group Caterfood Buying Group has appointed Tom Workman as its new commercial director.

Workman was most recently trading director at Creed Foodservice, having previously worked as vending and retail contracts manager at AF Blakemore, and as a buyer at DCS Group.

His experience in the sector spans over 10 years, six of which he spent as part of the Creed Foodservice team.

He will join Phil Atyeo, MD of CFBG, at a crucial time in the group’s development, specialising in supply chain management, procurement and technical to supercharge the group’s future expansion plans.

Workman will also oversee the group’s development of own brand and premium ranges, and the integration of future acquisitions for purchasing and marketing.

“The potential and ambition of the group is second to none and I’m hugely excited about joining at this key point in the Caterfood journey”, said Workman.

“Caterfood Buying Group already has some of the best-in-class and most innovative foodservice businesses within the industry, supported by a fantastic and hugely talented central team”.

Atyeo added: “The group is going from strength to strength and to achieve our ambitious plans – to be one of the biggest buying groups in the UK within five years – we need the best team behind us.

“Tom has a fantastic track record, experience and knowledge of this industry, combined with tremendous passion and determination to help push the group forward.”

“I know he will hit the ground running and make a big impact for Caterfood Buying Group as our commercial director. His knowledge and experience from independent wholesale will be invaluable to the Caterfood Buying Group.”