Fresh Foodfax was only established a year ago, so we do not have any comparative normative data yet, but when we do it is likely the average rating in each new category will be quite high. Concentrating on testing new varieties and new forms of whole and prepared produce, we have been surprised at the high levels of consumer interest in quite diverse fresh foods. Clearly consumers are anxious for new fresh produce with more flavour and texture to incorporate into their diet, so pre-trial interest is relatively high. Changes in the way they plan and shop for key meals, selecting fruit and vegetable needs by occasion, are also impacting on choices with, for example, more than one potato type being purchased on a shopping trip. Provenance, variety name and type now complement traditional drivers of appearance, visible freshness cues and the touch and feel of the food in their selection of fresh produce.

J Hawkins tomatoes Score: 42 Average: N/A

Sold loose in Waitrose, this specialist variety was well received by respondents across the sample for its bright ruby red colour, generous size and home-grown taste.

Sainsbury's Just Stir Fry Tenderstem Stir Fry Score: 25 Average: N/A

The price and level of spice held back ratings. Younger respondents were more likely to buy, but the more exotic the mix, the more limited the appeal.

Chikoo Score: 31 Average: N/A

New at Tesco, this Indian fruit didn't look much but the taste surprised with its "spicy, slight caramel flavour". Two thirds considered buying after sampling.