Age profile of chicken consumersnLast year chicken was eaten on 3.5 billion occasions, up 1% on the previous year
nThe 17-24 age group over-indexes on chicken consumption by 33% compared with other foods
nOne fifth of all chicken is eaten on a Sunday
Young men, women increase consumption of chickenThe consumption of chicken has remained steady over the past four years, but there has been movement between consumer age groups. Young men and women aged 17-24 have increased consumption, by 8% and 11% respectively.
The situation differs among the over-65s. They under-consume by 31% compared with their share of all foods.
Traditional meals are the mainstay of chicken. Only 1% of eating occasions fall outside this bracket - and that is snacking in the home.
Just less than 60% of chicken is eaten at the evening meal, but the timing of this meal has been shifted by the demands of modern lifestyles. Chicken is still most likely to be eaten between 5pm and 7pm, but is declining during this time slot, while consumption from 7pm to 9pm is growing.
But chicken has such a strong consumption base that changes to meal times and within consumer groups have not rocked eating figures.
Chicken is more likely to be eaten on a Sunday and, to a lesser extent, on a Monday. It features regularly in Sunday roasts and main meals; thus the type of foods most likely to be eaten with it are vegetables (58% of occasions) and potatoes. Chicken is such a regular feature of the Sunday menu that it is seldom viewed as a treat. Health accounts for 14% of all consumption.
Drummond Richards, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Year to May 2005.
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