When lettuce is consumedn In the last year there were 1.8 billion occasions when lettuce was consumed, an increase of 8.9% on the previous year. 89% of this was consumed in the home.
n Females 45+ account for over a third of lettuce consumption (37%), while males 45+ account for 26%.The week’s eating begins with the best of intentionsLettuce consumption is up 8.9% on last year. Adults 45+ are core consumers, accounting for over 63% of all lettuce meal occasions and increasing their consumption by 50% over the last year.
Over the last year males 25-44 and females 25-34 have also increased their consumption (28% and 17% respectively) probably due to its healthy properties.
Health as a primary reason for consumption is on the increase. This is particularly the case with adults 45+ who, as they grow older, are more concerned about eating healthy foods. They are more likely to fulfil their 5-a-day quota than other consumer groups. The consumption of lettuce is slightly higher at the start of the week (16% on a Monday, compared with 13% on a Friday). This is when health is the motivational driver as consumers begin the week with good intentions.
Although lettuce performs well at the evening meal (48%) and the lunchtime occasion (35%), it is the light evening meal which is seeing the greatest levels of growth, up 38% in the last year.
This corresponds to general consumption trends in which the light meal occasion is becoming more popular as consumers are becoming increasingly time-poor.
Esther Cunningham, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to May 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: prawns
Over the last year males 25-44 and females 25-34 have also increased their consumption (28% and 17% respectively) probably due to its healthy properties.
Health as a primary reason for consumption is on the increase. This is particularly the case with adults 45+ who, as they grow older, are more concerned about eating healthy foods. They are more likely to fulfil their 5-a-day quota than other consumer groups. The consumption of lettuce is slightly higher at the start of the week (16% on a Monday, compared with 13% on a Friday). This is when health is the motivational driver as consumers begin the week with good intentions.
Although lettuce performs well at the evening meal (48%) and the lunchtime occasion (35%), it is the light evening meal which is seeing the greatest levels of growth, up 38% in the last year.
This corresponds to general consumption trends in which the light meal occasion is becoming more popular as consumers are becoming increasingly time-poor.
Esther Cunningham, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to May 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: prawns
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