Coors Brewers is wasting no time in filling the gaps in its UK beer portfolio. The company is running part of the former Bass operation, but without a number of key brands, including Bass Ale and the Tennent's range. These stayed with Interbrew when it was forced to split the Bass empire and sell part to the US brewer. Signalling its intention to compete on all fronts, Coors is launching Breaker Super Brew, a direct competitor to Tennent's Super, and it is working on a premium ale which will go up against Bass Ale. The Breaker name is one Bass has used for a niche malt beer and it passed to Coors in the sale. A spokesman said: "We have had this on the books for some time. Superstrength is an important sector and we feel we need to be represented. "Beer is not just a volume drink and a superstrength offers more flavour." The 9% abv lager is now being put before buyers and there are plans for an initial launch through wholesale depots and independents. To boost sales, the 440ml cans will be price marked at 99p for the first six months. Sales director John Holberry said: "The category has been important in the UK for many years and has annual retail sales of £120m. "As well as a great tasting beer, we believe that Breaker Super Brew's price point will give consumers great value for money." {{DRINKS }}