Rosie Davenport
Oddbins is in talks with the Portuguese Cork Association (APCOR) about a venture to recycle natural corks returned to its stores.
Discussions about the initiative are said to be at an advanced stage, with a formal launch expected at next month's London International Wine and Spirits Fair. A spokeswoman for the retailer said: "We are already working with synthetic cork producers on recycling and have bins in shops so that people can bring them back.
"We are hoping to replicate this with natural corks. Although the plans aren't set in stone I can't see any reason for it not to go ahead."
Joanna Mesquita, PR officer at the International Campaign for Cork ­ a division of ACPOR ­ said it had been in talks with retailers since last May.
"Oddbins was the first retailer which said it wanted to get involved and we have had interest from other on-trade companies like the Hilton hotel chain.
"It's now a question of when it starts and the logistics because 90% of Oddbins' wines use corks so the amount coming back could be difficult to manage.
"We need to come up with a plan which won't interfere with Oddbins' main role ­ selling wine."
She added that despite the costs involved in transporting the corks back to Portugal the scheme is intended to be self-funding.
The Grocer reported last August that Tesco was also looking at the project.