plastic bottle recycling

Defra will tomorrow launch the new scheme administrator to run its controversial extended producer responsibility (EPR) programme, with the new body operating under the title PackUK.

The first fees for the programme, shifting the cost of local authority recycling and packaging waste onto producers, are due to come into force in October.

PackUK will be responsible for setting and collecting the fees from obligated producers and issuing packaging waste disposal payments to local authorities, and will sit within Defra.

However, Defra stressed PackUK will work with producers to enhance the role of business in running the programme. The government announced in October it had agreed to a new producer-led organisation which will eventually take over many of the functions of EPR management.

Former Unilever boss and Wrap chair Sebastian Munden was put in charge of an interim scheme administrator in February last year, with former OPRL managing director Margaret Bates appointed head of UK EPR.

Despite a major ongoing row over the estimated impact of EPR fees, Defra stressed the packaging reforms will stimulate an estimated £10bn investment in recycling services across the UK over the next 10 years, and in England alone support up to 21,000 new jobs.

It said PackUK would also be responsible for public communications and information campaigns to encourage citizens to dispose of packaging waste correctly and not litter their packaging.

Environment minister Mary Creagh will be among government and industry leaders at a launch event for the body, to be held at the Packaging Innovations Birmingham event next month.