Home baking is worth £381m, and has leapt 9.1% in value over the past year. This has been driven by consumers shopping the category more often and buying more on each trip, although prices have also increased 5.8%.
However, fewer shoppers are buying into the category, perhaps put off by the sharp price rises in the baking and snacking fruits and the culinary nuts sectors.
Baking fruits accounts for 27.7% of spend, and is up 17.1% in value. Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and the discounters, in particular, are seeing strong growth in baking fruits.
Waitrose and the discounters are the top performers in the market, and are the only retailers to have increased penetration.
The 48.4% growth in value own-label home-baking is stronger than any other tier, with indications of switching between tiers as shoppers look for better value.
Focus On Home Baking
However, fewer shoppers are buying into the category, perhaps put off by the sharp price rises in the baking and snacking fruits and the culinary nuts sectors.
Baking fruits accounts for 27.7% of spend, and is up 17.1% in value. Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose and the discounters, in particular, are seeing strong growth in baking fruits.
Waitrose and the discounters are the top performers in the market, and are the only retailers to have increased penetration.
The 48.4% growth in value own-label home-baking is stronger than any other tier, with indications of switching between tiers as shoppers look for better value.
Focus On Home Baking
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