Middle-market dairy processor Freshways has vowed to tighten supplier audits after it sold non-Red Tractor milk from Northern Ireland as Red Tractor-certified milk.

The issue was uncovered by a routine inspection by Assured Food Standards, which runs the Red Tractor scheme, earlier this month.

Shortcomings in an audit can lead to companies losing the right to use the Red Tractor logo, but AFS agreed to let Freshways continue in the scheme after the company introduced new procedures. Freshways will also be subject to more frequent, unannounced audits.

Freshways has written to its customers to inform them of the issue. The letter, seen by The Grocer, said the processor had carried out an “immediate review” and could “categorically assure” customers “all milk which carries the Red Tractor logo fully adheres to the Red Tractor scheme”.

It also stressed the non-Red Tractor milk found accounted for a very small proportion of the 4.5 million litres it processes every week.