How the food industry promotes its products to children and the effect it has on poor diets and rising levels of obesity will be up for public debate on January 27.

Back in October Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson, the government’s key advisor on health issues, drew attention to sugar and fat content and the Food Standards Agency evidence into the effect of advertising on children.

Sir Liam said: “It’s not easy to diffuse the health time bomb but it is possible and there is no other choice.”

The FSA debate takes place on Tuesday January 27 at the QE2 conference centre in Westminster, central London from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and will be chaired by broadcaster Jeremy Vine.

On the panel will be Dr Susan Jebb, head of nutrition and health research at the Medical Research Council; Andrew Brown, director general of the Advertising Association; celebrity chef Antony Worrall Thompson; Richard Reeves, business writer and consultant; plus student and youth activist Kierra Box.

It will be screened live on Sky digital channel 687.
