Whyte & Mackay is launching its biggest campaign for Glayva ever this week, as it calls for consumers to ‘Save Britain's Drinks Cabinets’.

The six-figure campaign asks stay-home drinkers consumers to swap the whisky liqueur for long-neglected bottles at the back of their cupboards.

The Scots company surveyed 3,000 drinks cabinets around the UK and found half had not been cleaned out for at least four years.

Consumers that post on Facebook pictures of themselves cleaning out dusty drinks cabinets can earn discounts on Glayva.

“We’re putting more weight behind the brand than ever before and by integrating social media properly with our traditional media, sampling and off-trade discounts, we’ll resonate with our existing drinkers as well as new, younger customers,” said off-trade sales director John Bradbury.

The six-week campaign began on Monday and includes print and radio media.

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Whyte & Mackay in hi-tech barcode first (31 July 2010)
Whyte & Mackay taps into pre-mixed market (17 April 2010)