Joe and Helen on Food Connect deliveries

Source: Hubbub

  • The charity’s Food Connect scheme will redistribute surplus food from retailers to vulnerable people

  • Hubbub’s decision to use environmentally-friendly transport supported the public’s desire to reduce air pollution


Environmental charity Hubbub is using a fleet of electric bikes and vans to redistribute surplus food from retailers to vulnerable families affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

It has launched a pilot of the Food Connect scheme today in Milton Keynes, with plans to redistribute surplus food from retailers, helping to tackle increased food insecurity.

The charity’s Milton Keynes Community Fridge was one of the first to open in the UK in 2017 as part of Hubbub’s network of such facilities across the UK.

The fridges are open to everyone and have become hubs for sharing food education, skills, knowledge and goods, but Hubbub said they had to adapt to the challenges of Covid-19 and social distancing, with many temporarily switched to new operations, including delivering surplus food to the doors of the most vulnerable households in their area.  

Recent research from the charity found that nearly one in five people in the UK were concerned about access to free food during lockdown, such as that from food banks and community fridges.

It said using more environmentally-friendly transport to deliver the food supported the public’s desire to reduce air pollution.

Following the pilot, Hubbub’s ambition is to roll out Food Connect to other parts of country, connecting community fridges and local retailers.

“We’re pleased to be part of this effort during the pandemic to reach some of our most vulnerable residents in Milton Keynes,” said Helen Innes, project co-ordinator for Food Connect.

“Even before Covid-19, getting surplus food that final mile to the community fridge was a challenge, so this fleet will have a huge impact through lockdown and beyond as we begin to reopen to the wider community.”