Operations Manager, West Midlands Co-op.
How would you describe your role?
I manage a team of group managers who are each responsible for a number of stores. I work with them to help develop the team and the strategy for the food division.
The division has grown rapidly and its reach covers not only the society's traditional Black Country trading area but also Staffordshire and into Worcestershire and, more recently, Shropshire.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced since taking over?
It was October when we opened another supermarket and acquired three convenience stores. The new store, in Codsall, near Wolverhampton, was the first Co-op store in England and Wales to win a Secured By Design Award, a police initiative that encourages developers to design the opportunity for crime out of buildings.

Would you describe the growth plans you have for West Midlands Co-op?
We aim to continue to grow in the convenience sector. We have 37 convenience stores and supermarkets and, despite increased competition and low levels of food inflation, the division's turnover has increased by 5%. This was an important contribution to the society's announcement of a record trading profit of £4.3 million, as food represents half of West Midlands Co-op's total turnover.

What interests do you have outside work?
I enjoy gardening, walking, listening to jazz, swimming and time with my family.

