There were almost 600 million meals using canned tomatoes last year Consumption has risen more than 10% since 2004 Tomatoes are the most popular option in the canned vegetable aisle, with sales up 11% to £98.7m Health market offers growth opportunity Manufacturers are missing a trick by failing to push the health credentials of canned tomatoes. Although value sales have risen 11% year-on-year [52 w/e 12 Aug 07], only one in seven people (13%) cite health as a reason for eating canned tomatoes. However, 44% of people eat fresh tomatoes for their health value, demonstrating the stigma attached to canned vegetables. Nonetheless, consumption of canned veg has increased by more than 5% in the past three years, largely driven by canned tomatoes, which account for half of the market. Young children (up to five years old) are the age group with the highest growth in consumption, up 22% in the past year. Nearly two-thirds of tinned tomatoes are eaten with the evening meal. More are eaten towards the beginning of the week, with one-third eaten on Monday or Tuesday. Canned tomatoes are positioned to make an impact on a marketplace wanting healthy, convenient produce. The future could herald premium varieties, organic ranges or Fairtrade alternatives as companies try to replicate the success of the cooking sauce and soup markets. David Farmer