Multiples: 'Anniversary basket' survey finds competition pushing prices below 1997 levels Exclusive Sheila Eggleston Asda has come out tops in our shopping basket survey for the third year running. Every June, our mystery shoppers buy the same items as they did in 1997, when we started The Grocer 33. And this week, which marks the official anniversary of our shopping survey, the lowest price of that basket of goods was £34.57 in Asda. This is substantially cheaper than the prices recorded for the chain in 1999 and 1998. In addition, the Wal-Mart subsidiary checked in as the cheapest national retailer for our "anniversary basket". More important, our exclusive research shows it has consistently been cheaper than its rivals during the past 12 months. Our annual review also shows how the price skirmishing between the major multiples has pushed prices below the levels recorded in 1997. This week's average basket was £36.25, which is 26p less than three years ago. And prices have been tumbling since 1998, when the same basket would have cost a staggering £38.79. Products cheaper this week than in 1997 include coffee, onions, bananas, Ariel Automatic and Comfort conditioner. The only higher price we have noticed is on Jersey Royal potatoes, which were as much as 11p more expensive. The Grocer 33 also shows that out of stocks continue to be a major problem. Safeway has the best record of the majors, with 28 out of stocks in 60 trips made over the past year. But Morrisons, which does not have national coverage, has an exceptional record, with just four out of stocks reported in 29 trips. - See pages 24-25 {{NEWS }}
