Jempson’s has launched its own electronic gift card. Shoppers can upload an amount on to the card, which can then be redeemed at any of the Sussex-based chain’s five supermarkets and six coffee shops.

Jempson’s revealed it was also working on a series of apps that will allow users to redeem vouchers through their mobiles at the checkout and allow members of its loyalty card to view their account via mobile. It is also developing its online shop and introducing an electronic Christmas Club scheme.

“Jempson’s is very proud of its track record in keeping up to date with the latest ideas and trends,” a spokesman said. “While we never follow the crowd, we seek to develop leading-edge technology for the benefit of our customers.

“Our mission is to be at the forefront of retail technology to enhance the customer experience in our stores and reap the benefits of operating an efficient and professional forward looking company. We think some of our ideas have been copied by the multiples.”

Jempson’s introduced product scanning in the early 1980s and launched its loyalty card scheme - fully integrated into its EPoS system - in 1996.