
Kellogg’s has gone from the High Court to high art with its latest HFSS strategy – commissioning artists to celebrate the sugar and salt it has taken out of breakfast cereals.

The company has commissioned eight up-and-coming artists from around the world to create a series of pieces made entirely out of salt and sugar.

The exhibition, at the Oxo Tower in London, which runs today and tomorrow, includes pieces such as a 3D breakfast table spread created by Tim Simpson and sculpted out of 50kg of salt, as well as a recreation by Q Devine of Van Gogh’s famous self-portrait, created using 12,000 sugar cubes.

Kellogg’s said since 2011 it had been committed to reducing salt and sugar across its product range and wanted to mark the achievement, which has seen sugar and salt content reduced by by 18% and 23% respectively across its cereals, while increasing fibre by 20%.

It added that in children’s cereals sugar had been reduced by 36%, salt by 37%, and fibre increased by 52%.

The exhibits at the Kellogg’s ‘Reductive Art Exhibition – A Story of Salt and Sugar’, use over 200kg of sugar and salt.

Kellogg’s was last at the centre of attention over HFSS in London when it launched a legal challenge against the government’s clampdown on promotions of HFSS products.

It claimed the government had overstepped its powers and argued cereals should be exempt because they are usually consumed with milk, adding to the nutritional value of a portion.

However, the case was lost in the High Court in July last year.

“People today want more from companies like ours. They not only expect food to taste good, but to do a world of good too,” said a Kellogg’s spokeswoman. 

“We’re committed to helping address Europe’s chronic lack of fibre by ensuring all of our breakfast foods are either a source of, or high in fibre by the end of 2023. As a result, all our children’s cereals are now classified as non-HFSS in the UK. We’ve achieved all of this without using artificial sweeteners, flavours or changing our recipes too much to ensure that our food continues to taste great.

“As part of our continued efforts to support consumers in making healthier food choices we created the Kellogg’s Reductive Art Exhibition – an art installation to help visualise the amount of sugar and salt that has been removed from our cereals.”