Sir; I was horrified to read Tesco is planning to include open space as a sweetener to Ken Livingstone in its application for planning permission to increase the size of its Purley store (The Grocer, 7 April, p6). This conjures up pictures of an area of green grass and flowerbeds dwarfed by a megalithic Tesco Extra. I believe this is yet another plan to control an area and force out all local competition.

Earlier this month Tesco tried to deflect its ever growing army of critics and the Competition Commission by giving a few farmers a sop in the form of 4p extra per litre of milk for the next 12 months.

So where is the compensation for the years of damage the big four and Tesco in particular have wrought upon farmers in this country?

I say to Ken, turn down Tesco. Join us independents in demanding that the Commission take action to make our industry fairer and more easily accessible to new entrants and reduce the power of the big four .
