One of Victor's friends enquired if we were eating organic food. No', I replied, this is not classed as organic.' I was then asked to explain what made organic produce better than what we were eating.
I have to say I was momentarily at a loss. It needed someone far more intelligent to explain the technicalities of this puzzle.
But not being one to be beaten easily I tried to explain something like this: The lamb we were eating had been reared in a natural manner, suckled by its mother and grazed on natural pasture. It had not been given antibiotics, growth hormones or even high protein rations, just its mother's milk and fresh sweet grass.
The vegetables and fruit we ate had also been grown, in natural conditions, in the same way my mother, her mother and grandmother would have grown them, with little fertiliser, minimum pest control and plenty of common sense.
This is the way I believe well over 80% of the farmers in the UK also produce their products from livestock to arable. It is called traditional farming', it is not intensive, and it is not organic.
I despair when I see the British public being conned into thinking that if they feed their children traditionally produced British food they will be doing them irreversible harm.
I do believe that a modicum of commonsense needs to be introduced before this situation gets completely out of hand. But hold hard,' I hear some say, there goes our cash cow'. Exactly! Just who is conning whom and why?
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