Lidl carrier bag charity

Lidl UK has announced a new partnership with Keep Britain Tidy to give at least £500,000 from the proceeds of its single-use carrier bags to the environmental charity.

The discounter will also give about another £500,000 to cancer charity CLIC Sargent, Lidl’s ongoing partner, over the next year.

Lidl chief executive Ronny Gottschlich said the group took its environmental responsibility as a grocery retailer “very seriously”. 

“We are proud to announce this new partnership and hope that the work we’ll be doing alongside one another will encourage people to think twice before littering.” 

The partnership forms part of Lidl UK’s wider corporate social responsibility strategy and similar activity will be launched in Scotland and Wales through Keep Scotland Beautiful and Keep Wales Tidy. 

The partnership in England was launched at a celebration event in London last night where nature photographer and TV presenter Chris Packham unveiled a series of specially commissioned images looking at the impact of litter on wildlife and the natural environment.

Keep Britain Tidy said it wanted the photographs to provide the inspiration for young people to go out and capture their own images of how litter affects the world around them, as part of a national photography competition to be launched shortly.