Waitrose is cutting prices in its stores for the second time in as many months as it battles to regain shoppers from M&S. (Telegraph £)

Scotland could become the first nation in the UK to ban egg companies from keeping chickens in cages (Sky News). The Scottish government has announced a new consultation on outlawing the use of cages to house hens involved in egg production (BBC).

Amazon is scrapping its “just walk out” technology in the US after years of trying to gain traction for its checkout-free offer. (Telegraph £)

The manufacturing sector grew for the first time in nearly two years last month, boosted by a rise in demand for consumer goods and improving business confidence (The Times £). The UK’s manufacturing industry has returned to growth and is showing “tentative signs of recovery”, according to a closely-watched survey (Sky News).

Trading in the shares of one of Britain’s biggest bar operators was suspended on Tuesday as it sought to complete an emergency fundraising backed by Luke Johnson, the serial investor (The Times £). Revolution Bars has suspended its shares amid a scramble to raise cash, as Gen Z students cut back on alcohol and late night drinking in a blow to nightclubs (Telegraph £). The group last week revealed it was ‘exploring all strategic options’ to bolster its ‘future prospects’ following a difficult trading period (Daily Mail).

Britons who broke the Lent fast with their favourite chocolate Easter Egg might have experienced a rude awakening when visiting the supermarket. Cocoa, chocolate’s key ingredient, has seen its value skyrocket to more than $10,000 a tonne in 2024, from less than a quarter of that value at the beginning of last year. (Daily Mail)

A consortium of co-operatives in Kenya claims it was ignored after expressing an interest to buy the Kenyan tea estates that private equity group CVC purchased from Unilever less than three years ago. (Financial Times £)

Shoplifting, self-checkout and the limits of AI. Many chain stores that reported unexpected jumps in shrinkage had ramped up use of self-checkout and sensors during the pandemic while reducing employee ranks at tills and on shop floors. Those measures cut labour bills and helped stores navigate post-pandemic worker shortages. (Financial Times £)

Domino’s has vowed to cut the calorie content of its products just weeks after a former health minister criticised the fast food chain for selling a Creme Egg cookie. (Telegraph £)