Tesco’s push into functional dairy is gathering pace with the launch of two vitamin and mineral-enriched chilled liquid milks.

Manufactured by milk Link, packs of Tesco Healthy Bones Milk and Tesco Multivitamins Milk will go into 543 Tesco stores on 20 June, priced at £1.19. The launch follows the introduction of a multivitamins yoghurt drink in Tesco in May.

Healthy Bones Milk contains calcium as well as vitamins D, K and C, while Multivitamins Milk contains iron, zinc and B12, designed to maintain a healthy immune system. Both products are made using 1% fat milk and will be sold in one-litre Tetra Pak cartons.

Consumers were increasingly looking to maximise the nutrition they derived from everyday products, said Nick Bartlett, Milk Link head of sales and marketing.

“These two new milks are very much relevant to shopper needs - they’re about convenience, quality and added benefit,” he said.

One 200ml serving of Healthy Bones Milk and Tesco Multivitamins Milk provides 30% of the RDA of the vitamins and minerals they contain.