Morrisons has stolen a march in the battle for football fans’ support after being named the official supermarket of England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

The Bradford-based chain was today unveiled as the official retail partner of the 2018 and 2022 bids, joining BT and accountancy giant PriceWaterhouseCoopers as headline sponsors.

The tournaments’ hosts will be announced by FIFA towards the end of this year, with England competing for hosting duties against rival bidders including Russia and Qatar.

“We're sure that our customers would be delighted if the World Cup came to England in 2018 and by becoming a commercial partner we can help them to play their part in supporting the bid,” said Mark Gunter, group retail director at Morrisons.

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New Mars bar ad to feature memories of Psycho and friends (20 February 2010)
Poundland getting in on the World Cup (13 February 2010)
Carlsberg's team talk takes England to the World Cup (Convenience Store, 1 February 2010)
