A branded cholesterol-reducing alternative to cheese will bring two million consumers back to the cheese fixture, according to Angel Technology which
developed the process.
CEO Dr Stephen May said Heartily Healthy was “like a cigarette that cures lung cancer”, and would allow UK consumers with high cholesterol levels to eat cheese again.
The cheddar-style product, marketed and distributed by Glanbia, has already been on sale exclusively under Tesco own label since the beginning of 2003, with sales so far of £1.4m. It is now set to join the ranks of such cholesterol-lowering brands as Flora Pro-activ and Benecol in most of the major multiples, under its own banner. Tesco will continue to sell it under own label.
Made from milk with its dairy fat replaced by wheat germ oil, said to combat high cholesterol, the product took three years to develop.
It will be available initially in a 250g wedge, retailing at £2.99, or a 250g bag of grated cheese for £3.69.
Support is set to include advertisements in women’s and health magazines.