David Peace takes up his appointment as md of Soil Association Certification this week.
Peace was the founding chief executive of Assured British Meat, working on the development of quality assured standard marks such as the little red tractor.
His other commercial roles in the meat and food manufacturing sectors include a stint as head of food business at ADAS from 1993 to 1998.
Peace plans to extend the use of the Soil Association organic certification mark among food processors as well as producers, and build the Soil Association's reputation as a key organic certifier following its reorganisation last year.
SA Cert already licences more than 2,000 organic producers and 1,200 organic food processors.
Peace said: "Organics is going through tremendous growth and we must be fully geared up to deal with the increase in demand. Farming businesses have converted or are converting, processors are producing more and more."
Peace will head a team of 60 staff at the SA's Bristol head office.
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