Tesco has moved the British Quality Standard Mark on to the front of pork packs to underline its support for struggling British pig producers.

The supermarket previously included the marque on the backs and sides of packs, but has now printed some five million new, larger QSM stickers which will be placed prominently on the front of pork packs. It is believed the new labels will last at least until Christmas, with Tesco having made the move to counter criticism that it had not been supportive of the British industry.

The move was welcomed by Bpex. “Tesco is one of the retailers which supports the Quality Standard Mark and it’s very good news for British producers as well as for Tesco shoppers that the QSM logo will appear prominently on the front of all packs of Tesco’s own-label QSM pork from now until the end of the year,” said Bpex chairman Stewart Houston.
