Nicola Gordon-Seymour Somerfield says its Regional Sourcing Initiative is on track, despite being hit by delays in the south east. The multiple launched the initiative last October in conjunction with Food from Britain with the aim of sourcing up to 1,000 locally produced products around the country to cater for regional markets. But a roll out of the initiative in the south east ­ originally planned for January ­ will not now be completed until the end of this month. By then up to 60 local products from 14 companies in the Sussex, Kent and Hampshire regions will be available in 100 stores Despite the hitch, Somerfield insists it will complete a Meet the Buyer programme for producers by the beginning of April as planned, and said locally sourced products will be on store shelves throughout the country by June. Kirstie Berridge, speciality marketing manager at FFB, said: "There have been a few teething problems but they have been overcome and we expect speedier progress from now on with products on shelves in weeks." The initiative will be launched in Wales in March. And the roll out will then continue in Anglia, Yorkshire, the north west, the heart of England and middle England regions, followed by Scotland. Elaine King, head of business initiatives at Somerfield, said: "We are well on the way to achieving our goal. There has been tremendous interest and it looks like we will easily beat our goal of sourcing 1,000 products from 300 suppliers. We are still determined to win the accolade of number one local retailer." {{NEWS }}
