
Salmon consumption is soaring as health-conscious Brits are being tempted by supermarket deals.

According to the latest retail data, salmon volumes leapt 9% last year and spend rose 7.9% [Kantar Worldpanel 52 w/e 26 May 2015].

“The growth in salmon consumption has been driven by an increase in appetite among existing consumers - where purchase frequency has risen by 5.8% on last year,” said Kantar analyst Rosie Owen. She added salmon was growing “significantly” ahead of the wider fish market.

CEO of Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation Scott Landsburgh said Brits were buying more salmon because of its reputation as a healthy, sustainable food.

Salmon has also benefited from increased retailer promotion over the past 12 months, with average prices for own-label salmon fillets and own-label smoked salmon falling 6% and 3% respectively [Brand View 52 w/e 24 June 2015].

Although added value is a fast-growing segment in salmon, Kantar data reveals the majority sold is still natural (46.6%) or smoked (24.5%).

A spokeswoman for Asda, which enjoyed 14% volume growth in salmon sales last year, said its three-fillet salmon pack - on for two for £7 - was its “most popular product”.

The sharp rise in demand and slower growth in Scottish production has forced retailers to increase imports.

Norwegian Seafood Council UK director Jack-Robert Møller said Norwegian exports to the UK were up 36% year on year in January to May 2015.
