Danone is bulking up the armoury of its diet yoghurt brand Shape in order to position it as even more of a slimming aid for consumers.

The company has created a sub-brand called Lasting Satisfaction, which contains an ingredient said to make consumers feel satisfied for longer and help them to resist the temptation to snack.

The move is a bid to halt a steep decline in the brand's sales and the company is spooning out a £5m TV advertising campaign from next month to back it.

Hitting chillers later this month, the new sub-brand contains a unique blend of what the company calls 'effective fibres and proteins', trademarked as EFP, designed to give consumers a feeling of being full.

Senior brand manager Gemma Phillips said the launch would be "absolutely huge" for the diet yoghurt category. "This is the most significant yoghurt launch for many years, taking functionality and innovation into an under-performing sector," she added.

"We are fulfilling a clearly-defined consumer need, as 64% of women say that snacks give them a quick fix but that they feel hungry again soon after. Shape Lasting Satisfaction will fill this gap and will help weight management by discouraging additional snacking."

Philips also said the trade had responded well to the launch, with listings in all the major multiples. "They have recognised that we have come armed with a strong health proposition and the power of the Danone name," she added.

The £230m diet yoghurt segment has declined by 5% over the past year, mainly because consumers have migrated to yoghurts that have active health benefits.

Shape itself dropped 11% last year according to ACNielsen [w/e October 1, 2005].

The Lasting Satisfaction newcomers are thick fruity yoghurts, which contain no added sugar, artificial colours or preservatives but come with essential B vitamins and 29% of the recommended daily calcium intake.

They are presented in transparent pots in purple packaging in order to differentiate the range from the standard sky blue-coloured Shape collection.

Packaging also sports the letters 'EFP', along with an hourglass logo aimed at communicating the long-lasting health benefit.

Marketing activity will include short-term price promotions to encourage trial and a long-term 'buy two for £2.50' initiative.
