Somerfield was celebrating its triumph at the British Turkey Product of the Year Awards this week. The retailer walked away with four awards, beating off stiff competition from all the major multiples.
The prizes were for Best Retail Range ­ Everyday, Best Retail Range ­ Seasonal, and Best Primary Product.
Somerfield also claimed highly commended in the Best Branded Product category.
Other winners included Safeway in the Best Own Label category for their luxury boneless turkey breast joints, Loxton Foods took the Best Catering Product award, and butchers JD&SD Powell claimed Best Speciality Product.
Bernard Matthews took top prize for Best Branded Product, while the Best Accompaniment award went to Centura Foods. Jane Suthering from Tesco Recipe Magazine was awarded Recipe Writer of the Year.
The ceremony took place at London's Landmark Hotel in London. Chef Patrick Anthony was guest speaker.