?"Products with natural fragrances, as well as environmentally friendly products, will continue to grow. We expect room-specific products to remain more dominant than multi-purpose products as consumers can't relate to the fact they would clean their worktops with the same product they use to clean their baths."

David Briscoe Market analyst, Surcare

? "The aircare market is constantly growing and changing to suit consumer-specific needs and is predominantly driven by NPD and new fragrance trends. NPD alone has delivered more than £281m in the past three years. The key products driving growth in this category are electricals, auto-spray and candles."

Imogen Hall Senior brand manager for aircare, at Reckitt Benckiser UK

?"The fabric conditioner category has needed increased penetration and innovation to drive value. Before Comfort Crème, fabric conditioning was associated with 'mother love' territory. Our research into this market showed buying conditioners fell off mother's shopping lists once children left home."

Chris Pote Unilever UK

?"Household cleaning wipes are fast becoming an integral part of the household cleaning regime with 31.1% of households buying into the wipes category last year, up 10% on 2005. Wipes are typically bought in addition to traditional cleaning product formats such as trigger sprays. They are being used as a top-up in between major cleaning routines."

Ian Anderson Marketing director, Nice-Pak International
