Sir; I was utterly appalled when I read in your article dated May 12, that Spar, the symbol group of which I have been a member for 25 years, proposes to engage in a national TV advertising campaign. The reason people come into my store is because it is "So near so Spar". It is set in a village community and as long as my prices are fair and my range broad (including CTN) people will use my outlet for their weekly shop. It angers me to hear that a £2m budget has been earmarked for this needless campaign ­ particularly when my cost prices seem to have been increasing quite markedly over recent months. Perhaps the yuppies at Harrow need to come down to earth a bit and listen to the members. We're already at the heart of our communities so we've no chance of pulling in vast amounts of new punters. Let's make the ones that visit us regularly spend more money each time they do. I for one will be reviewing my symbol provider if this trait continues, and I know similarly disgruntled Spar members will also. Name and address supplied Susan Darbyshire, marketing director, Spar UK responds: I am surprised your correspondent thinks that the Spar national marketing programme, and more specifically the decision to embark on a national TV advertising campaign, was conceived without consultation with Spar members, particularly as Spar consults all strands of membership when formulating its annual marketing programme. The decision to undertake the TV campaign was taken after extensive research carried out with both Spar members and customers. The key issues to come out of this research were that Spar is one of the brands most trusted by consumers and that Spar members regard the Spar fascia as their most valuable asset. In Today's competitive environment it is necessary to strengthen and protect this asset for our retail members and for our consumers. By reiterating the well remembered "So near so Spar" message we are also capitalising on our strong heritage as the best for local shopping. {{LETTERS }}
