Peter Overy, 40, is research director at an ad agency. He lives in south London
I don't think I'd grab it off the shelf if I saw it in a supermarket. The name makes you smile, but it's trying to be too jokey with a cartoon label on it. In fact, it looks like the kind of joke beer you'd get in a gift pack from Woolworths that turns out to be a shampoo.
The beer is an amber colour with enough of a head on it, but it looks it bit weak. The biggest surprise is that it smells really fruity. However, it doesn't taste as good as the smell leads you to expect.
It tastes watery and doesn't have any oomph in it. In fact, you can hardly taste any alcohol at all. It's a nothing beer, which is very disappointing as you'd expect a name like that to have more power behind it.
Thanks for letting me taste your beer but next time I'll bring my own.
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